47 women killed by men in February

  • 09:49 4 March 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - According to the report prepared by We Will Stop Femicide Platform, 47 women were killed, 31 women were sexually abused by men in February.
We Will Stop Femicide Platform has released its report for February. The report says 47 women were killed by men in February, “Killing of 47 women in 28 days is the highest number. In January 28 women were killed by men. The reason of increase number of femicide is due to increase of violence.”
The report states that in February, six women were killed in Istanbul, five in İzmir, three in Kocaeli and three in Balıkesir. The report also says, “21 women were killed at their homes, seven were killed on the streets, three of them were killed in cars, two of them were killed in the workplace, the places, where seven women were killed, haven’t been determined.”