Diyarbakır Ready for 8 March

  • 16:19 26 February 2018
  • News
DİYARBAKIR - Dicle Amed Women’s Platform (DAKP) members announced March 8 program and underlined that they will be in streets between 1-10 March, and will be in the meeting areas for peace with their actions and activities.
Dicle Amed Women's Platform gave the start for the March 8 World Women's Day, with a press release in Diyarbakir.  DAKP member Zelal Bilgin indicated that the 8th March celebrations are quite important under the circumstances that the lack of policies of the government towards resolution of questions. Zelal said the women will be in the streets with the slogan of “We were here, we are here and we will be here”.
Attorney Gülşen Özbek said “We will keep on our struggle against the unlawful implementations. Once more we declare that women are against the war. The main responsibility of us is to struggle for an honored peace.” and added, “We will increase our voice in every field of the life”
HDP Diyarbakır PM Sibel Yiğitalp also called all women who are disturbed by the current violence, women killings and corruption to be in the meeting areas.
The action and activity schedule between 1-10 March in Diyarbakir is as follows:
March 1
* “8th March from Women’s Objective” Exhibition in Galeria Exhibition Hall.
* Meeting in Urfa Kapı at 13.00 to go to On Gözlü Köprü to fly sky lantern.
* “Hükümet Kadın” film display at NCTY Avşar Cinema Hall between 18:00 and 20:00.
March 2
* Sending postcards to the women prisoners at 11.00 from Post Office in Ofis District
* Meeting with the textile workers and distribute the cloves. (1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
* “Agora” film display at NCTY Avşar Cinema Hall. (18:00 to 20:00) 
March 3
* Sitting action and press release in front of the Koşuyolu Park Human Rights Monument to commemorate the lost-murdered women (11.00)
March 4
* Meeting in Rojava Park and perform a 'Bike Tour' to Sheikh Sait Square. (13.00)
March 5
* Panel titled "UN Resolution 1325 Women, Peace and Security" in Demir Hotel. (1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
*”Peki Şimdi Nereye” film display at  NCTY Avşar Cinema Hall. (18:00 to 20:00)
March 6
* “Tek Başına” film display at NCTY Avşar Cinema Hall (18:00 to 20:00)
March 7
* Announcements and distribution of meeting notices for 8th of March.  
* “Hakikatin Gücü” film display at NCTY Avşar Cinema Hall (18:00 to 20:00)
March 8
* 8 March Meeting to be held at İstasyon Square (5 June Square). (10:00 to 17:00)
March 9
* “Sevgili Arsız Ölüm” theatre play at Amed City Theatre (15.00)
* A march with torches From Sanat Sokağı to Education Syndicate (18:30 to 20:00)
March 10
* Women gathering at “Dicle University Bridge” will perform a'Nature Walk'. (09:00)
The 8th March activities will be ended with theatre play, Sevgili Arsız Ölüm, on at 15.00 and 19.00, on 10th of March.