From Halabja to Afrîn: Kani's Story

  • 10:36 26 February 2018
  • News
AFRÎN - Kani Deniz, from Halabja, taken her place in Afrîn resistance in the ranks of women freedom struggle after the attacks in Shingal and Kobanê.  Kani, who lost her relatives in Halabja Massacre in 1988, said, "I am honored to be a defender of a struggle".
Despite the resolution of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) of a monthly  "humanitarian ceasefire" in Syria, Turkey still continues its attacks on Afrîn. As the attacks entered the 38th day,  yesterday evening the  Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) has shelled the Hec Xelîl village of Raco district. Though hundreds of civilians have been killed and thousands of settlements have become unusable at the end of the bombardments, the resistance of the people of Afrîn and the solidarity of women from the cities of Kurdistan continue. Kani Deniz, going from Halabja to Afrîn to support the people's resistance, says that she is proud of being a defender of a struggle and will defend the people of Afrîn until her last breath.
Halabja, Shingal, Kobanê 
Kani still keeps smiling despite she has been wounded in TSK's air attack on the previous day. Born in Halabja city of South Kurdistan, Kani Deniz (21) states that she joined to women freedom struggle in Rojava 3 years ago. She says the DAESH –ISIS gangs’ attacks in Shingal and Kobanê, 2014,  the DAİS gangs had reminded her the Halabja massacre and because of that she took part in urban defense. 
'They hide the truth'
Wounded during the attacks on Basufani village, Kani says AKP General President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkish media hide the truths about Afrîn attacks. “TSK and affiliated groups have no courage,” says Kani, “If they had courage, they would fight on land.They now that they can’t. Everyday Erdogan is in media outlets and he says that they don’t harm any civilians. However, they even confess in their media that they target the civilians.  Just like 3 days ago they target a civilian convoy. Everything is clear.”