YPJ General Speaker: Afrîn Resistance Forms the Kurdish Unity

  • 16:21 25 February 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - YPJ General Speaker Nesrin Abdullah, “The will of the people of North Syria and Afrîn have shattered the attacks of invaders. The resistance of Afrîn has formed the unity of Kurdish people”  
As the attacks of Turkey and its affiliated groups on Afrîn is in its 37th day, the YPJ General Speaker Nesrin Abdullah commend on the recent developments for Hawar News Agency (ANHA).  "The Resistance of the Era is in its 37th day. YPJ/YPG ve QSD(SDF) warriors, together with the support of the people, show a great resistance against the occupiers” said Nesrin Abdullah, “The Turkish army, which attacks with the heavy weapons prohibited by the NATO, couldn’t have even one step into the lands of Afrîn. The Resistance of Afrîn and people’s will have provided the unity of the Kurdish people. All the world and people of Kurdistan support and embrace AfrÎn. As YPJ, we greet the people in Afrîn resistance and Kurdish people who struggle, and we promise to continue our struggle. As YPJ has been the symbol of the victory in Kobanê, it will be a symbol of Afrîn, too. "
Nesrin finally adds, “Kurdish women have become the freedom symbol of all the women of the world” regarding the women resisting in Afrîn.