'The Government Clouds the Agenda in Child Abuse'

  • 11:27 25 February 2018
  • News
IZMIR - HDP PM Meral Danış Beştaş, " Instead of discussing the measures to prevent abuse,  the government produces populist politics to save its domestic politics, clouding the agenda by pretending it produces politics.” 
The 6-person commission, formed by the AKP Government against the child abuse and consists of all male members except Family and Social Policy Minister Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya, had its first meeting last week and made a proposal towards increasing the punishment for sexual abuse against children under 12 years of age. HDP PM of Adana, Meral Danış Beştaş said the Government and its ministries have no strategy against the child abuse and they produce the populist policies.instead of discussing the measures.
Deficiency is in practice
Meral pointed out that the problem in the sexual abuse crimes is not the lack of law in the criminal system but the practice of law. Meral said that there is a "tolerance" state towards sexual violence and the perpetrators are protected instead victims. Meral stated that the same male-dominated system has been reproduced with a male-dominated approach, and  strategic plans and projects should be prepared to protect the children from abuse. She said that the discussions on the subject should include not only the ministries but also bar associations, children's rights institutions, chambers, civil society institutions and women's institutions, and also stated that the cases like sexual violence in Pozantı which the perpetrators didn’t get any punishments cause an increase at abuse cases. 
Meral said that the reactions of the internal public are minimized through the attacks on AfrÎn and continued: "Why is sexual abuse now on the agenda? In fact, the government does not want it to be on the agenda. This has somehow emerged with the press of public sensitivity. This should be considered. But also the government is trying to pretend as they are dealing with the question of child abuse and produce populist policies, clouding the agenda by behaving in this way”.