Women Against the Sexual Abuse

  • 17:39 24 February 2018
  • News
ARTVIN – The women who marched in Kemalpasha district in Artvin province against the child abuse said, "Those who attempt to abuse, rape, child abuse in this country should know that they cannot easily walk in these streets.” 
Women of Artvin marched in Kemalpasha province against the increasing child abuse. The women who came together in front of the Municipality of Kemalpasha carried banners written "This is our life", "Stop the sexual abuse". Reading the statement on behalf of women, Ayşegül Aydın stated that they don’t only look after their own bodies but also their children's lives, saying: "We will pay the ones, who abuse the children, who make the adolescences addict to drugs, to account. accounts of those who harass, abuse, drug abuse and youth victims of adolescence. We didn’t forget about the 4,5-year-old baby who has been raped in Adana province just a few days ago. Those who attempt to abuse, rape, child abuse in this country should know that they cannot easily walk in these streets.
We will not bow to the fatwa 
"We will not bow to the Directorate of Religious Affairs that says a 9-year-old girl can marry or the teacher who says the girls who wear trainers is sultry or the fatwa (religious law) of Nurettin Yıldız who says that the opposite sex shouldn’t use the same elevator” said Aysegul “We don’t want your reactionary policies or laws which ignores women or make them objects. We want an equal, free, fair life. This is not the country of the ones that feed on reactionary male-dominated, anti-women and anti-child politics; it belongs to women, children and people who want an equal, free and fair world.”