Meral Danış Beştaş: Divide and rule policy will not work

  • 10:03 18 February 2018
  • News
Filiz Zeyrek
ADANA - HDP Adana MP Meral Danış Beştaş commented on Turkish attacks on Afrin and she said, “Everyone thinks their interest when the point in question is the Kurds. But the divide and rule policy will not work anymore, the Kurds will not allow this.”
Attacks of Turkey on Afrin have entered the 30th day and many civilians have been killed during these attacks. Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Adana MP Meral Danış Beştaş criticized the attacks of Turkey on Afrin under the name of “necessary defense” and she noted that the main reason was the intolerance of the AKP against the Kurds.
‘Not moral or humanitarian situation’
Expressing that the AKP gets annoyed of the peoples of Afrin to govern themselves, Meral said, “One of main issues underlying these attacks is the domestic politics. The AKP wants to change the agenda as realizing that it loses its power and the increase objections against fascism. Making preparation for election through death and killing propaganda is not moral or humanitarian situation.”
‘The society doesn’t want a war’
Mentioning that they always defend peace and common life as the HDP, Meral said, “They want everyone to consecrate the war by creating such an environment. They try to silence all people stating they are against war by detaining or arresting them. People don’t share their ideas because they don’t have a democratic environment and freedom of expression but we know very well that majority of the people don’t want war.”
‘They carry out a massacre along with Daesh’
Stating that the AKP has taken its created fascism, chaos and pressure within the country to the cross-border, Meral continued her talks as follows; “Turkey has carried out a massacre along with Daesh under the name of FSA (Free Syrian Army). They display the women’s bodies after torturing them. They pose for cameras after beheading the civilians. They are proud of what they are doing there and they pray barbarically. Turkey wants to take its share from the division in Syria. Russia and USA aren’t two-faced about this issue; they have ‘many faces’. Everyone thinks their interest when the point in question is the Kurds. But the divide and rule policy will not work anymore, the Kurds will not allow this.”