Civilian casualties in Afrin increase: 170 civilians were killed

  • 10:33 17 February 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Afrin’s Avrîn Hospital Chief Physician Civan Mihemed has announced that 170 civilians, mostly women and children, have been killed and 450 civilians have been wounded as a result of the attacks on Afrin.
Attacks of Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) on Afrin have entered the 29th day. Mezopotamya News Agency reports that Avrîn Hospital Chief Physician Dr. Civan Mihemed has announced that 170 civilians, mostly women and children, have been killed and 450 civilians have been wounded until now as a result of the attacks on Afrin.
According to data given by Civan, last week’s civilian casualties were 154 people including 26 children and 17 women.
Noting that they don’t have enough medicine at the hospital, Civan said, “We have a great responsibility at hospital. Since the beginning of the war, we have called on international organizations but they don’t want to hear our call for aid. We will not issue a call anymore. We try to provide the medicine with the support of our people living outside.”