Diren Coşkun subjected to sexual torture

  • 13:14 13 February 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER- Kıvılcım Arat, who visited Diren Coşkun, a trans woman on an indefinite hunger strike in prison, says Diren was subjected to sexual torture in prison.
A trans woman Diren Coşkun imprisoned in Tekirdağ No.2 Closed Prison has been on an indefinite hunger strike for 19 days to demand for an end to rights violations in prison and for her right to surgery and treatment. The indefinite hunger strike launched by Kıvılcım Arat, a LGBT activist, to support Diren has entered the eighth day. Kıvılcım Arat, who visited Diren Coşkun in the prison, has announced the detailed of visit on social media.
Kıvımcım says Diren is losing weight and just having cup sugar and water without vitamin supplement. Kıvımcım writes she observed Diren was weak and tried and Diren was determined on keeping her struggle.
Kıvılcım writes; “She said she didn’t join any activities because the prison was for men. She was severely beaten by the wardens entered her ward last week. She has serious pain because she was subjected to the torture called BreakMovement “Moving the arms back to the waist region”. Although she asked psychologist entered the ward after the torture, no reports against the wardens were kept.  She said she had sent a closed letter to the doctor of execution to report the station after the rejection of her demand for a report. She said she had been subjected to a dishonorable search and her breasts and hips were touched. She said her mental health was seriously affected. She wants to share particularly a thing to the public opinion. I am writing her words; ‘There is abuse, isolation and torture in in Tekirdağ No.2’”