Bombardment on Afrin’s villages: Violent clashes take place

  • 14:37 11 February 2018
  • News
AFRÎN - Turkish warplanes have bombed many villages of Afrin’s Raco and Shera districts since last nights. As death toll has been reported from the region, a two-year-old child has been wounded in the bombardment.
Attacks of Turkey and Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) have entered the 23rd day. Warplanes of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) have bombed Dersenwan and Ereb Weran villages of Shera district since 05:30 Sunday morning.
Violent clashes have been reported from the Dersenwan and Ereb Weran villages.
Furthermore, warplanes of the Turkish army bombed Hecemena, Mesaka, Kure, Qude, Cela and Shediya villages of Raco district last night. The reports say many were killed and wounded in Turkish bombardment.
A child wounded
Mortar and howitzer attacks were conducted on Hesiyê (Mîrkan) village of Afrin’s Mabeta district in the morning. A child named Lewend Mustefa Ednan(2) has been seriously wounded due to the attacks.
Bakery of the people bombed
The reports say the Turkish warplanes targeted a bakery meeting the needs for bread of tens of villages in the region and destroyed it last night.