Relatives of Disappeared ask fate of Mehmet İnan

  • 13:41 10 February 2018
  • News
DİYARBAKIR - On the 470th week of their sit-in, Relatives of Disappeared asked the fate of Mehmet İnan, who was forcibly disappeared in Siirt province.
Human Rights Association (İHD) Diyarbakır Branch and the Relatives of Disappeared have staged a sit-in with the motto, “Disappeared people must be found; the perpetrators must be tried” every week. Today, the members of İHD Diyarbakır Branch and Relatives of Disappeared gathered in building of the İHD Diyarbakır Branch for 470 times. This week, the Relatives of Disappeared asked the fate of Mehmet İnan, who was abducted in Siirt by unidentified people.
‘He was forcibly abducted by armed people’
Commission Against Disappearances of the İHD Diyarbakır Branch member Adnan Örhan read the story of Mehmet and he reported that Mehmet was a father of seven and he was detained and released two times in 1994. Adnan said, “On February 28, 1994, he was forcibly put into a car by armed people while shopping in the city center 10 days later his release. The next day, Mehmet’s father Ali İnan asked the fate of his son to the Public Prosecutor of Siirt and to the Brigade Command. But he was told such a person wasn’t in custody. No news has been received from Mehmet since then.”