Joint declaration by 600 Iranian artists for Afrin

  • 12:54 6 February 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - 600 people including artists, musicians, actors, writers, composers, directors and theater players in Iran have issued a joint declaration in support of the Afrin resistance.
600 people including artists, musicians, actors, writers, composers, directors and theater players in Iran have issued a joint declaration in support of the Afrin resistance. They have launched a signature campaign for Afrin.
The declaration condemning Turkey’s attacks on Afrin are followings; “For centuries, there have been great pains in the Middle East due to emperors’ aggressive policies. From the Asyrian Empire to Erdoğan, the Kurdish people have been victimized and massacred the most. Following his many defeats, Erdoğan now issues firman (imperial decree) against Afrin and attacks it. Instead of solving issues through dialogue, Erdoğan has destroyed even the existing path to peace and dialogue. He destroyed Amed, Cizre and many other places. He used Syrian refugees for his own interests and took one billion Euros from Europe. Now, without any excuse, he is attacking Afrin.
We as Iranian artists are calling on all peoples; don’t stay silent against Erdoğan’s crimes. We are calling on all countries of the world to stand against the attacks on Afrin. International human rights organizations should also take action for Afrin.”