Women of Southern Kurdistan condemn attacks on Afrin

  • 15:37 3 February 2018
  • News
SULAYMANIYAH - Women’s organizations in Southern Kurdistan held a press conference with the motto, “Afrin is the cry of all libertarian women” and they condemn the attacks on Afrin.
Women’s organizations in Southern Kurdistan held a press conference in Sulaymaniyah with the motto, “Afrin is the cry of all libertarian women” to condemn the attacks on Afrin. All women’s organizations in Sulaymaniyah attended the conference held led by Kongra Star and Kurdistan Free Women's Organization (RJAK). Women’s organizations strongly condemn Turkish attacks on Afrin and state they stand by resisting women in Afrin.
‘Turn your weapons to fascist states not to the young people’
Seywan Rüstem spoke in behalf of Goran Women’s Branch and she condemned the KDP asayish forces that attacked the young people marching to Hewler for Afrin. “Turn your weapons to fascist states trying to invade Kurdistan not to the young people marching for their people. Give a friendly hand to your people not hostility hand. Everybody should know that Afrin will not fall how Kobanê didn’t. We are greeting our resisting people in Afrin.”
‘As women, we always stand by the national unity’
Stated that the attacks launched under the name of 'Olive Branch' in Afrin have absolutely been broken, Sazan Abdullah said, “As women of Southern Kurdistan, we always stand by the national unity. Today we need the national unity more than ever. We stand by the resistance in Afrin. Long live the resistance in Rojava.”
‘Fascist forces are doomed to be defeated’
Cihan Xelil spoke in behalf of Kongra Star and she stated that they will stand by the Kurdish women in difficult times. Underlining that the support of women organizations in Southern Kurdistan for the resistance in Afrin is significant, Cihan said, “A people standing up for their martyrs will never be defeated. Fascist forces trying to invade Afrin are doomed to be defeated as long as we stand by the resistance in Afrin as Kurdish women.”