7 people detained in Ankara

  • 09:49 2 February 2018
  • News

ANKARA- Seven people have been detained in house raids conducted in Ankara in the morning.

Police raided houses in Ankara in the morning. Kaos GL members Ali Erol and Emek Erez, Seyri Sokak reporter Sibel Tekin, HDP Van MP Figen Yüksekdağ’s advisor Songül Akbay, Pir Sultan Abdal Cultural Association member Cevahir Canpolat, Öğrenci Kolektifleri (Student Collectives) member Aysu Simge Taştan and lawyer Kemal Ulusoy have been detained by police. Searches in their homes are going on and the reason for their detention is reportedly because of “their social media posts”