They destroy house of Raniya but not her faith

  • 11:14 1 February 2018
  • News
Lîlav Elî-Ferîde Zede
AFRÎN - “They destroyed my house; I will not leave my village even if they destroy it, too. This land is mine. We will disappoint the invasion attacks with our resistance, “said Raniya Mamo whose house was destroyed by Turkish artillery shelling.
Turkey’s attacks on Afrin have entered the 13rd day. Tens of villages in Raco, Shera, Mabata, Bilbile, Cindiresi, Sherawa, Shiye, Meydanki and Meydana Batina district of Afrin have been shelled by land and by air since the beginning of the attacks. As death toll of civilians rises day by day in these attacks targeting mostly civilians, the people of Afrin living in the villages always say they will never leave their lands.
They destroyed the house of Raniya
Mother of three Raniya Mamo (32), who is living in Chema village of Shera, is one of the people, who choose not to leave their villages even if their houses have been destroyed.  Her house was hit by Turkish artillery shelling on January 24. Raniya had to move to another village because of destruction of her house.
‘We will not leave this place to invaders’
When Raniya saw us, she first showed us her destroyed house and then said, “Turkish state wants to kick us out of here. We don’t leave our homeland, these lands are ours. We will not leave this place to invaders.
‘They are our children’
“Members of YPG and YPJ are our children protecting us. They (Turkish army) have bombed us by air and by land for 12 days but we and our children will not take a step back. Turkish state continues to destroy our houses in its invasion attacks. Children and women are being killed. Afrin will resist and destroy these attacks no matter how long they attack.”