‘Our morale is high, we are defending Afrin’

  • 10:07 31 January 2018
  • News

AFRÎN –YPJ Commander Ayser Bilbil commented on attacks of Afrin and she said the resistance of the people would win like in Raqqa, Deir ez-Zor and Manbij.

Attacks of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and Free Syrian Army (FSA) have entered the 12nd day. One of the Women's Defense Units (Yekîneyên Parastina Jîn-YPJ) Commanders Ayser Bilbil commented on the attacks on Afrin. Saying that the TSK attacks Raco region of Afrin’s Bilbil district with its all forces Ayser stated that it tries to break the will of the people with these attacks. “They should know very well that the joint struggle of the people, YPJ and YPG will win in Afrin,” said Ayser.

‘Our morale is high and we are resisting’

Noting that the people maintain their daily life with high morale and they build their lives with resistance, Ayser said “The people, YPJ and YPG have carried out a joint defense in Cindirês district, where the attacks of TSK and FSA become intense. Meanwhile they maintain their lives. They don’t leave their lands, they are resisting. Tayyip Erdoğan tries to convince the people by propagandizing his lies. But Tayyip Erdoğan will be defeated against the people, YPG and YPJ. We are with the people and we are resisting with high morale.”

‘We will never take a step back’

Saying that they will never step back from their struggle, Ayser ended her talks as follows; “We never lose our hope and power. The success of Afrin will be the success of the peoples in Kurdistan. We will fight along with the people to the last drop of blood. With our people, we will not be defeated by invasion forces.