Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: 42 civilians killed in Turkish bombardment

  • 12:29 29 January 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has announced the balance sheet of Turkish attacks on Afrin in nine days. According to the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights 42 Kurdish, Arab and Armenian people have been killed since Turkey launched the attacks on 20 January, including 12 children and seven women.
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has announced the balance sheet of Turkish attacks on Afrin in nine days. According to the statement on the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights website, 42 Syrian citizens of the Kurds, Arabs and Armenians including 12 children and seven women have been killed since the 20th of January 2018 in aerial, artillery and rocket shelling on Afrin city.
TSK jets are bombing villages
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has stated that the villages of Kaljiba and Maryamin, Maabatli town, and other villages and areas in the northern and the western countryside of Afrin have been bombed by Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and that civilian’s death toll rises and the number of casualties may increase because of the presence of serious injuries.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has announced that at least 78 people from Turkish army and its allies and YPG and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) were killed in the attacks until Saturday and the YPG has the four of bodies of Turkish army and its allies