Tens of thousands march in Germany for Afrin

  • 18:11 27 January 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Tens of thousands are joining a demonstration in Cologne city of Germany to protest the Turkish attacks on Afrin Canton of Northern Syria.
Reaction to Turkish attacks on Afrin is increasing all around the world. A march was organized in Cologne city of Germany with the participation of tens of thousands living in Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Hannover cities. Kurds in the Germany, leftist movements from Turkey, German democratic circles, Armenians, Circassians, Syriacs and Alevis are participating in the mass march that started with the slogan, “Against colonialist and invasionist attempts, Everywhere Afrin, Everywhere Resistance”.
March organized led by German Democratic Kurdish Community Center (NAV-DEM) started at Ebert Square. The people carried the images of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. The people often chanted slogans such as “Long Live Afrin resistance” in protest at the police intervention. Police blocked the mass on the grounds that they held images of Abdullah Öcalan.
Marches were organized not only in Germany but also in Sweden, Italy, Russia, Netherlands, Austria, England, Greece, France, Switzerland, Spain and Norway for Afrin.