Women: Spirit of unity should arise against attacks of Afrin

  • 09:58 22 January 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Women warm the attacks of Turkish army and FSA on Afrin will cause breakdown between the peoples and they say spirit of unity should arise against attacks.
After announcement of AKP Chair Tayyip Erdoğan saying the Afrin operation has de-facto been started on the ground, 10 civilians including a child have been killed in Turkish airstrikes on Afrin until now. The attacks of Free Syrian Army (FSA) by land have been foiled by the YPG/YPJ forces. The Kurdish people have taken to the streets in everywhere they live in order to protest the attacks. Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair Leyla Güven condemned the invasion attacks of Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and Free Syrian Army (FSA) on Afrin and she emphasized that Afrin is not alone.
‘Turkey plays with fire’
Leyla said, “Turkey really plays with fire. Turkey should know that the people of Afrin are never alone. We know airstrikes have been launched in Afrin. These attacks are the attacks allowed by Russia. We condemn Russia and USA to watch the situation. Turkey already attacks everywhere a Kurd lives. We will stand up for Afrin with the sprite of Kobanê. Success will always be of the Kurdish people.”
‘We call on all people to stand against this war’
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Şırnak MP Aycan İrmez pointed out the attacks were launched against the Kurdish people. Stating that the attacks are unacceptable, Aycan underlined that the attacks will cause more hatred among the peoples.  Aycan warned and said, “I state that the siblings’ fights in the Middle East will only benefit the imperial powers and that the Turkish and Kurdish people will suffer the most in these events. We expect all people call themselves as human and democrat to stand against this war. In addition, this situation will further fuel the seven-year Syrian war.”
Human Rights Association (İHD) Malatya Branch Chair Gönül Öztürkoğlu said the Turkish stand in Afrin will cause the losses in Turkey. Saying that the state has a massacrist mindset not a peaceful mindset, Gönül noted that the AKP shows its massacrist face in the last process without reserve. Gönül said, “I can say that these attacks take their power from the mindset of Daesh. We face the reality in which a state is bombing the civilians.”Gönül also called on everyone to stand up for Afrin.
‘The killers will answer to the people’
Eğitim Sen (Teachers’ Union) Malatya Branch Secretary Nuriye Yılmaz underlined that those who is a party of these attacks will answer to the people; “I believe that spirit of unity should arise against attacks.”