SKB: Your resistance is our resistance against one-type uniform

  • 13:12 16 January 2018
  • News
NEWS CENTER - SKB calls for struggle against one-type uniform in prisons, standardization of society, dirty war and preparations for civil war.
European Socialist Women's Union (SKB) points out the ongoing right violations and tortures in prisons and recalls the hunger strike launched by women prisoners in Elazığ T-type Prison against the imposition of identity has been resulted with some gains. The SKM states that these gains show the women to resist and to not bow down to monistic, sexist, dark mindset of the AKP-Erdoğan dictatorship inside and outside.
SKB also recalls that the last emergency decree issued under the state of emergency in Turkey provides a protection shield for the paramilitary forces and calls for a strong organization against the imposition of one-type uniform in the spirit of united struggle for all the revolutionary prisoner to not pay a heavy price with their lives.
SKB says, “The resistance of the revolutionary prisoner not bowing down to one-type uniform and oppression is our resistance.”