‘Women resisted Daesh, they can also resist Directorate Religious Affairs'

  • 13:29 11 January 2018
  • News
URFA - The women from Urfa reacted against the specifications in Religious Affairs Administration’s website and stated that opinions  presented by Religious Affairs Administration are same as the way of living imposed by Daesh. The women said, “Women resisted Daesh, they can also resist Directorate Religious Affairs.”
The reactions of women are continuing against specifications that encourage child abuse and legitimize child marriages in the official website of the Directorate of Religious Affairs. The women, who gathered in Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Urfa Provincial Organization building under the leadership of Free Women’s Movement (TJA), made statements about the specifications of Directorate Religious Affairs. Despite all objections, DBP Urfa Provincial Co-mayor Sema Aişeoğlu stated that the mufti law approved by Assembly targets women and children in all areas of life.
Pointing that the Directorate Religious Office has ignored different beliefs represented a unique mindset since it was founded, Sema said, “As an anti-democratic structure Directorate Religious Affairs is no longer a religious institution. It has turned into an institution that supports AKP's misogyny. Views that the Directorate of Religious Affairs present them as Islamic religious law is the same as lifestyle that Daesh trying to violently impose on women and children in the Middle East. Women resisted Daesh and they will also resist the Islamic religious laws of Directorate Religious Affairs. I call all women to make Democratic Islamic perspective actualize.”