Prisoners in Mardin to not apply closed visits

  • 11:30 8 January 2018
  • News
MARDİN - Prisoners in Mardin E-type Closed Prison have made a statement on ‘One-type uniform’ practice and they say they will not apply closed visits and they will resist to the end.
Prisoners in Mardin E-type Closed Prison have made a statement on “One-type uniform” practice being tried to put into effect in prisons by statutory decree No. 696 issued by the AKP. The prisoners have announced that they will not apply closed visit and that they will resist to the end.
Relatives of the prisoners state that they will stand by each decision taken by the prisoners. They say, “They do everything to our children. They will not accept this and we will never accept this. There were already dozens of pressures like this before. The prisoners weren’t taken to hospitals for months. Their all social activities were banned. Their wards were raided every day. Now they try to implement this practice. We will not accept this.”