‘The only solution is joint women's struggle’

  • 11:38 6 January 2018
  • News
Şehriban Aslan
DİYARBAKIR - HDP Diyarbakır Co-chair Filiz Buluttekin commented on increasing femicide and she said that the only solution is joint women’s struggle.
During 13-year AKP ruling power, 14,293 women have been killed by men and the number of femicide has increased by 400 percent.  ‘Good conduct time’ and ‘good attitude’ given to killers of women cause this number to increase. The laws passed from the parliament by AKP MPs pave the way for femicide. Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır Province Co-chair Filiz Buluttekin commented on this issue and she said that the most basic method of preventing femicide is to gather women on an organized and joint basis.
‘A society cannot be free unless the women are free’
Underlining that violence against women and femicide is one of the most important issues for them as the HDP; Filiz said that panels and workshops should be organized in parliament, on the street and in every sphere of life in order to raise the consciousness of the genders. “As it is known, the HDP is also the project of Mr.Öcalan. ‘A society can’t be free unless the women are free,’ says Mr. Öcalan. We are also struggling on this basis,” said Filiz.
Highlighting that women’s organizations should be gather under the same umbrella, Filiz added, “Femicide and violence against women have recently increased. They want to legitimize this with laws. All politicians speak out against this are now held hostage. Previously, the women subjected to violence in neighborhoods, on the streets and in every sphere of life sought for a solution method through closed women’s organizations. But now they don’t have any places to go and they are wanted to be locked in the house.”
Indicating that a gendered perspective towards women is also in the education system, Filiz said “The main reason for this is misogyny. We can overcome this by coming together with a women’s perspective.”