‘Talks without Kurds remain inconclusive’ says Hamide Yiğit

  • 13:14 25 December 2017
  • News
Habibe Eren 
ANKARA – An expert in Middle East affairs and writer Hamide Yiğit commented on latest developments in Syria. Mentioning the Syrian National Dialogue Congress will be held in Russia's Sochi on January 29-30, she emphasized that the main elements of the political solution are the Syrian government and Kurdish representation. Hamide added that there will not be a solution without the Kurds. 
Russian special representative Aleksandr Lavrentyev has announced that the PYD will not participate in the Syrian National Dialogue Congress will be held in Sochi on January 29-30. But there will be participants representing the Kurds. An expert in Middle East affairs and writer Hamide Yiğit indicated that no solution-focused decisions can be taken as long as the Kurds don’t participate in any summit organized for Syria and Middle East. Hamide commented on the AKP words saying, “We will enter Efrin” and the developments in the latest period. 
“In the first days when an operation was launched in İdlib, the mainstream media made a propaganda saying the main target is the Kurds in Afrin. I said that time and I say this again; the entry of the AKP in İdlib was not about having an important position in the Syrian balance, it was entirely due to obligations.” 
‘Hostility towards the Kurds against multi-directional trappings’
Saying that the AKP, which has a deep bankruptcy in Syrian politics and is about to be completely pushed away from its balance, had no other choice than to accept this duty and the mainstream media introduced it as a great success, Hamide added, “The current name of multi-directional trapping in internal and external politics, both politically and economically is “hostility towards the Kurds” and these days the AKP has no argument to present to internal politics except that. As a result, it is marketing a target such as “Blocking the PYD” while falling into İdlib trap. Maybe the ultimate aim of the AKP is this but that’s all dreams for now.” 
‘İdlib will be final in the battle of power’ 
‘İdlib will be final in Syrian battle of power. İdlib issue was seen “It will be Turkey’s war” from the beginning. Because the gate making İdlib the center of jihadists was opened from Turkey. During Astana talks, Turkey was given a task “jihadist problem created by it to be solved by itself”. This is the so-called critical role that Turkey has undertaken.” 
‘Turkey is doomed to Russia’ 
Saying that the battle of power in Syria comes to an end, Hamide stated that the process will be evolved into solution and the fact subjects of the solution will be the peoples in Syria. Hamide also said that the Kurds are critical element of the solution as subject of Syria; “Everyone has to accept that. Turkey also understood this obligation during the summit in Sochi and accepted it. The main elements of the political solution are the Syrian government and Kurdish representation. Turkey can be a facilitator or an obstructive. Its facilitation is due to its doomed to Russia and its obstruction is due to its desire to impose its Kurd.”