Poets, writers continue to write for prisoners

  • 14:06 24 December 2017
  • News
İSTANBUL-The campaign of “Poets are writing their books on letters”, launched against book prohibitions in prisons, continues. 
Ayşegül Tözeren from the writers who supported the campaign said, "For example, in the past, prisoners staged a hunger strike because they were forbidden to keep more than 10 books in Tekirdağ Prison. Imagine, they were hungry to get to these authors' books, but nobody in the world of literature was interested. In addition to such a bad legacy, inward letter campaigns are valuable and heart-warming." 
We are trying to overcome the prohibition of books and letters launched after the declaration of emergency decree (OHAL) especially in prisons with the efforts of the Deli Dalgalar Initiative. The Deli Dalgalar Initiative has begun to raise awareness for book bans in the social media with the hashtag of “#OHALdeMektup” (LetterduringEmergencydecree). 
This is not the only work of the Initiative. About two months ago, writers who come together within the scope of "Writers' Writes Their Books to the Letters" campaign, writes their works in letter form and send them to prison. 
The campaign, which set many writers in motion by Deli Dalgalar Initiative’s call of “Your books are not given to prisons. Would you send your works to them with letters?”, first was organized in Ankara. Then, activities were held in İstanbul and İzmir within the same scope and the authors wrote their works in letters. 
 ‘They are in prison because they read too much’ 
Sibel Öz from Deli Dalgalar Initiative stated that these works and activities will continue and that everyone, labored for book, should support this campaign. 
Sibel stated that there are literate and intellectuals in prisons and said, "They are in prison because they read too much. For this reason, getting books from their hands means leaving them airless and thirsty. The ban on books should be ended. " 
Ayşegül Tözeren, one of the writers who supported the campaign, said, "Do you know the ‘Yeter ki Kararmasın’ book of Onat Kutlar" It starts with: 
‘These letters are actually for you my dear friend.
For you that I do not even know your name
We know each other so closely and deeply,
We share the earth with a common hope and consciousness,
We believe in life so much,
No need to know your name.’ 
Kutlar, wrote these lines in the 80s. ‘Yeter ki Kararmasın’ is the letter book for inside. Thanks to this campaign, I felt like I was walking through the pages of Kutlar's book.” 
‘A valuable and heart-warming campaign' 
Ayşegül pointed out that the physical isolation, which is imposed on the prisoners, turns into mental isolation in consequence of ban of the books, and said, “For example, formerly, prisoners in Tekirdag Prison staged a hunger strike because they were forbidden to keep more than 10 books. Imagine, they were hungry to get to the authors' books, but nobody in the world of literature was interested. In addition to such a bad legacy, inward letter campaigns are valuable and heart-warming." 
Solmaz Açıkkol from Saturday People also supported the campaign, stating, "They are fighting for us inside. We must remind them that they are not alone. "