‘Government sees women as a threat’

  • 10:28 23 December 2017
  • News
DİYARBAKIR - Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Council member Zuhal Tekiner pointed out the women’s organizations that were closed down by trustees appointed to the municipalities and she said that the government sees women as a threat and therefore targets directly the women's works.
Primary target of trustees appointed to 94 municipalities held by Democratic Regions Party (DBP) was women’s organizations. The appointed trustees closed down all women’s organization opened by the municipalities in one year but it wasn’t enough for them so they closed down cultural centers and kindergartens. The DBP released a report called “Trustees as a usurpation tool” last week and shared the data of the trustees’ ‘works’ for a year. DBP Council member Zuhal Tekiner said the trustees were a usurpation tool and she recalled the women’s organizations closed down by the appointed trustees.
Zuhal gave information on the report prepared by the DBP and she said, “We tried to reveal the approach against the people of the region with the punishment method. Since our report was released, we can say; such a debate was needed. In fact, the basic thing that is needed is; in the region, there are many problems arising from both appointed trustees and the state of emergency.
“As DBP, we opened many spaces to carry out a variety of activities, particularly for women. The women made them visible. Spaces were formed for women in pilot cities such as Diyarbakır, Van and Mersin in order to protect themselves and to take support from there. As it is known, women’s organizations were locked following the appointment of the trustees. They didn’t only locked the women’s organizations they also seized all documents of the organizations. We don’t know where these documents are now.”
Zuhal emphasized that the objective of the closure of women's organizations is to imprison the women in their homes; “Women are subjected to violence at homes. Women are tried to be left alone. Women can only be a power against the government if they improve themselves.”