Investigation opened against trustees appointed to DBP-held municipalities

  • 13:13 19 December 2017
  • News
ANKARA –Interior Ministry has started an investigation against trustees appointed to DBP-held municipalities upon complaints made against appointed trustees. 
Interior Ministry has started an investigation against trustees appointed to Democratic Regions Party (DBP)-held municipalities upon complaints made against municipalities that trustees appointed to during the meetings of the AKP. The ministry has sent inspectors to the municipalities in order to measure the performance of the municipalities. The names of the municipalities that the investigations have been started haven’t been announced and the Interior Ministry hasn’t made a statement on the issue. 
Corruption allegations about appointed trustees 
Previously, nine appointed trustees were discharged from their position and trustees were appointed to the municipalities in place of appointed trustees. After the dismissal of the appointed trustees, Republican People's Party (CHP) General Vice President Erdal Aksünger brought corruption allegations into question and he announced the reason of dismissal of the appointed trustees as corruption. 
Names of the appointed trustees discharged from their position are as follows;
Ahmet Adanur appointed to Cizre Municipality of Şırnak, Mustafa Kılıç appointed to Kayapınar Municipality of Diyarbakır, Mehmet Özel appointed to Yenişehir Municipality of Diyarbakır, Soner Kırlı appointed to Malazgirt Municipality of Muş, Fatih Çelikel appointed to Muradiye Municipality of Van, Serhat Karabektaş appointed to Bahçesaray Municipality of Van, Mehmet Mut appointed to Çukurca Municipality of Hakkari, Muhammet Fuat Türkman appointed to Şemdinli Municipality of Hakkari, Cemil Sarıoğlu appointed to Karakoçan Municipality of Elazığ.