4 Kurdish women jailed in Iran

  • 12:32 12 December 2017
  • News
NEWS CENTER - Four of 50 people detained in Eastern Kurdistan during Iranian soldiers’ attacks have been jailed. Jailed four women have been sent to prison.
Iranian soldiers attacked the Cilize village located on Ebadi Plain of Eastern Kurdistan’s İlam city and detained 50 people. Four women from detained people have been jailed and some of them have been released on bail. The reports say some of the villagers are still in custody.
The four women named Terfeye Cilîzî, Hesene Cilîzî, Hemîde Serhî Cilîzî and Hemîde Cebawî have been sent to İlam Central Prison.
What had happened?
A few days ago, Iranian soldiers wanted to seize some lands in the village of Cilize on the Ebadi Plain of Ilam province, East Kurdistan (Rojhilat). The villagers didn’t want to give their lands and a clash broke out between the villagers and Iranian soldiers. The villagers were subjected to attacks of the soldiers.
Many villagers were forced to flee to nearby villages due to the attacks of the soldiers and 50 villagers were taken into custody.