SKM Artvin Spokesperson Nurcan Vayiç released

  • 09:51 9 December 2017
  • News
ARTVİN - SKM Artvin Spokesperson Nurcan Vayiç and HDP Hopa District Co-chair Cemil Aksu, who were jailed on October, have been released.
Nurcan Vayiç, administrator of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) in Artvin and spokesperson of the Socialist Women's Assembly (Sosyalist Kadın Meclisi- SKM), and Cemil Aksu, Co-chair of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Hopa District, were jailed on October in Hopa district of Artvin province. Nurcan and Cemil were jailed for their posts on social media.
Nurcan and Cemil have been released from prison by the court.