No right to speak for woman on Woman’s Rights Day

  • 11:42 6 December 2017
  • News
İZMİR-Women were not given the right to speak at the ceremony held on the Women's Rights Day, which was declared on December 5, when the right to elect and to be elected was given to women in Turkey. The women, who left the ceremony, said “Women should have talked about what we want and about women’s rights, which make no headway.”
İzmir Metropolitan Municipality organized a ceremony within the scope of December 5, Women's Rights Day. It was noted that women have not been allowed to speak at the ceremony organized in Cumhuriyet Square. İzmir Women's Organizations Foundation Union, which protested against not giving them the right to speak, left the area by doing 'silent' action.  The president of İzmir Women's Organizations Foundation Union, Tülin Eraslan, said “We came here representing women’s 36 association. They didn’t give the right to speak even for five minutes, although we have been asking for a right to speak for years. For this reason, we are leaving from the area.”
‘They didn’t allow us even to talk for five minutes’
Reminding that December 5 is the day when the right to elect and to be elected was given to women, Tülin drawn attention that women are not being able to exist in politics. Tülin added : “We, as women should speak why women are not involved in politics, and what we want as women’s rights and about women’ rights, which make no headway but today we saw again these rights were not given us, for this reason we are leaving the area. We always say that if women improve, whole world improves but they didn’t give the right to speak even for five minutes on December 5, when the right to elect and to be elected was given to women in Turkey, even though we have been asking for a right to speak for years.”
İzmir Metropolitan Municipality officials claimed that there was no speech of women because the program flow was determined in advance.