‘All people are waiting for spring’

  • 15:58 29 November 2017
  • News
MARDİN - Stating that the isolation towards PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, People’s Democratic Party (HDP) Midyat MP Diba Gabriel, wanted attention to her demands by saying “Spring comes after every winter. As all people, we are waiting for spring”.
PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is not allowed to talk to his lawyers since July 27, 2011, to İmralı Committee since April 5, 2015 and to his family since September 11, 2016. Lastly, application of 250 lawyers from many cities of Turkey to Public Prosecutor of Bursa also was rejected under the pretext of state of emergency (OHAL) on November 23. The reactions in the cities of Turkey, Kurdistan and Europe are continuing against rejection answer in accordance with the Law on the Execution of Punishment and Security Measures no.5275, on charges of “Restrictions adopted for prisoners”.
‘Our actions will continue against the isolation’
HDP Midyat MP Diba Gabriel, who says that all people in Turkey should collaborate to lift the isolation, stated that they will continue their hunger strike, launched one week ago, until the end of the isolation practice. Diba, who attend hunger strike that lasted one week, said “This is a stand taken against ongoing cruelties in our region for years. We are doing these for other political prisoners in particular for messrs. Öcalan. Our actions are continuing and will continue against the isolation to make MP and all chosen ones released, to make women express themselves better, and to put an end to the pressures on women as soon as possible”.
'Stability will be provided if the isolation practice ends’
Stating that as Assyrian and people of regions their biggest demand is to return solution table over again, Diba said, “Our biggest demand is to return solution table again. We think that to provide stability, the isolation should be lifted.”
‘We don’t want to live in these conditions’
Saying that the clashes in Kurdistan are increasing day by day, Diba emphasized, “We don’t want to live in these conditions. All people know very well that the conditions would come to a solution by solving İmralı issue. The conditions of security and freedom of Abdullah Öcalan must be provided immediately. On behalf of women and the people of the region we demand this.”
‘We are waiting for spring’
Saying the isolation practice not only affects Assyrian people, also affects all people, Diba continued as follows: “Spring comes after every winter. The actualized isolation effects future of all people. For this reason, as Assyrian people and all people, we are waiting for spring. We want them to lift isolation and we want to see that all people live at peace.