Now in Nusaybin lands she yearned for being there

  • 13:34 29 November 2017
  • News
MARDİN - The funeral of Evin Öz (Zerya Bagok), who is one of person among many people burned to death in the basement that they were stuck in during the "curfew” in Mardin’s Cizre district, is given in to her family 21 months later. Mother Türkan Öz, who received news of death knell of her daughter two months ago after a year and a half said, "I've done everything to reach her, but I learned from the internet that she lost her life".
The funeral of Evin Öz (Zerya Bagok) from YPS, who is the one of person among many people burned to death in the basements that they were stuck in, during curfew declared between December 14, 2015 and March 2, 2016 in Diyarbakır’s Cizre district, was taken from the Silopi potter’s field to the Mardin’s Nusaybin district by her family a year and 9 months later her death. The family, who learned her daughter’s death knell from the internet two months ago, has came and gave blood sample to the Public Prosecutor of Cizre, and they have taken their daughter’s funeral from potter’s field and buried her funeral to Mardin’s Nusaybin district on November 24.
She took her backpack and went to Cizre
Evin’s family, who is from Mardin however they couldn’t live in their own lands due to the state’s migration pressure policies as many Kurdish people, had to migrate from Nusaybin to Bodrum before she was born yet. Evin has grown up away from her homeland. She went to Van after she had got into university. She has stayed in Van for four months there, then she took her backpack and she went with her friend to Mardin’s Cizre district. Evin called her mother 10 days before she died. She didn’t tell her mother that she was in Cizre.
‘To add pain on our pain...’
Mother of Evin Türkan Öz, who was buried in Nusaybin, where she yearned for being there,, stated that they couldn’t have got any news about her for one and half year and they made so many application to get a news about her however, all of the applications remained unanswered. Türkan said that they went to Cizre after they saw news about Evin on the internet and stated, “We gave blood sample, and 50 days later they called us and they said ‘come and take your funeral’. We have stayed there for two days. They sent us to many different places. They have jerked us over for days to add pain on our pain. If we could have learnt in advance we would go directly to give blood sample. However, we couldn’t guess that.”
 ‘I was confusing every young woman with her’
Stating that whenever she saw a young woman in Tv news about Cizre basements, she was confusing them with her daughter and her heart sorrows, Türkan said, “We heard news about these basements on TV. I was always saying that every young woman just like her and at her age. I went there a year ago they looked her photograph but they didn’t tell me that she was there. When I learned that she died in the basement, I became very miserable. The last talking to her was on the phone call. I couldn’t get any news about her once more. I went to Van for two times with the thought that maybe I can find something but it didn’t happen.”