Birthday message from Nuriye Gülmen: It is my most significant birthday

  • 12:02 26 November 2017
  • News
NEWS CENTER- Nuriye Gülmen, who has been on hunger strike for 263 days, sent a message from prison and she said, “I don’t know if I am half of the way but today is my birthday and it is my most significant birthday.” Furthermore, the next hearing of Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça will be held tomorrow.
Hunger strike launched by academic Nuriye Gülmen and teacher Semih Özakça, who were dismissed from their duties by statutory decrees issued under the state of emergency has entered in its 263rd day. Yesterday was the birthday of Nuriye Gülmen. Nazan Bozkurt, Alev Şahin, Mehmet Dersulu, Simge Aksan and Sultan Aydoğdu took down the barriers surrounding the Human Rights Monument on Yüksel Avenue yesterday and gave ‘birthday present’ to Nuriye.
Thereupon, Nuriye sent a message from Numune Education and Research Hospital, where she is forcibly held. Nuriye’s message was shared on her Twitter account by her relatives. Nuriye’s message is as follows;
“I thank everyone for celebrating my birthday. I feel you right beside me and this gives me strength. In fact, I am over aged to celebrate my birthday. It is like half of the way written in a poem of famous Orhan Veli… I don’t know if I am half of the way but today is my birthday and it is my most significant birthday. (Greetings to those who took down the barriers!).”
The next hearing is tomorrow
The fifth hearing of the lawsuit opened against Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça will be held tomorrow by 19th High Criminal Court.