Women of Shengal renew their promise for self-defense

  • 14:55 25 November 2017
  • News
SHENGAL - Free Êzidî Women's Movement (TAJÊ) organized an activity on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, November 25 and the women say they will not bow down to violence, betrayal and oppression and they will renew their promise to keep their struggle.
Free Êzidî Women's Movement (TAJÊ) organized an activity in Xanesor on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, November 25 with the participation of women from Burk Zurave, Duhle Sinûnê and Guhbelê.
TAJÊ members stated that the women in Shengal should organize themselves against violence; “Women shouldn’t accept oppression anymore and they should stand against violence. Therefore, the women should organize and build their self-governance.”
Women of Shengal noted that they will not bow down to violence, betrayal and oppression and they will keep their struggle.
TAJÊ called on women to join the Shengal Women's Units (YJŞ) ranks against violence.