Serpil Kemalbay: We have power to overcome this darkness

  • 14:35 21 November 2017
  • News
ANKARA – HDP Co-chair Serpil Kemalbay made a speech during the party’s group meeting and she said, “We are responsible for the millions who elected us. We will carry this struggle with them. No one should get desperate. We have power to overcome this darkness.”
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Co-chair Serpil Kemalbay made a speech during the party’s group meeting. Serpil began her speech by recalling that today is the death anniversary of 12-year-old Uğur Kaymaz, who was killed along with his father in Kızıltepe district of Mardin province and she said, “Yesterday was the International Children's Day. We know how children are suffering and how they carry the burden of war in Turkey.”
‘We will ask for the account of the crime against humanity’
Serpil continued her speech as follows; “We live in a country where they try to make Uğur Kaymaz forget. Uğur Kaymaz was killed by law enforcers along with his father. They put a gun next to him to make him look like a terrorist like they always do. Our local administrators erected a statue of Uğur Kaymaz to not forget him and gave the name of Ceylan Önkol, who was killed by violence of the state, to a park.  The trustees (appointed to the municipalities) want to destroy this memory. They removed their names and the statue. We will ask for the account of the crime against humanity sooner or later.”
‘No one should get desperate’
Serpil reacted to the decision of the Constitutional Court against jailed MP Gülser Yıldırım and she said, “We did not expect this decision to be in accordance with the Turkish democracy. Because we know that there is a legal system under the domination of the palace in this country. This legal system chose to protect the one-man regime of the state of emergency while it was expected to protect laws and democratic politics. This decision is a shame for Turkey's democracy. We are responsible for the millions who elected us. We will carry this struggle with them. No one should get desperate. We have power to overcome this darkness.”