‘We will take actions in everywhere against state of emergency’

  • 13:55 18 November 2017
  • News
Medine Mamedoğlu
MARDİN - KESK Central Executive Committee member Elif Çuhadar talked about “We demand democracy not OHAL (State of Emergency)” campaign launched by KESK, DİSK, TMMOB and TTB and she underlined that they would take actions in everywhere within the scope of the campaign.
The Confederation of National Health Laborers (KESK), the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK), the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) and the Turkish Medical Association's (TBB) launched a campaign called, “We demand democracy not OHAL (State of Emergency)” few days ago. Within the scope of the campaign, a series of activities and events will be organized and meetings with political parties and NGOs will be arranged. KESK Central Executive Committee member Elif Çuhadar commented on the campaign and she said they aimed to strengthen the struggle in the streets and raise the people against the state of emergency (OHAL).
‘We will take to streets to lift OHAL’
Stating that they will come together with the people in everywhere, Elif said that they have launched a three-month campaign. Elif expressed that they will tell the people the state of emergency, which has been extended five times, is an effort to normalize a process to silence all opposition sections of the society. Pointed out that as unions, they have launched the campaign to lift the state of emergency, Elif added, “In this sense, we will carry out works in all cities. We will hold rallies, panels, symposiums and congresses.
‘We will not take a step back’
“The more you increase the pressure, the more social tension increases. A breaking point will occur in somewhere. First of all, the government should also see this. We will carry out our works in every city. We will not take a step back. We will take actions in everywhere within the scope of the campaign.”