Health Minister: If Nuriye loses her consciousness, we will patch her up

  • 16:49 15 November 2017
  • News
ANKARA- Stating that they haven’t patched Nuriye Gülmen up, who is on the hunger strike for 252 days, Health Minister Ahmet Demircan said, “However, if Nuriye lose her consciousness, we will use the right to patch her up, the laws allows us to do that.”
The health condition of Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça, who were dismissed from their duties by emergency decrees, has been brought to the agenda in Plan Budget Commission, where the Ministry of Health budget is discussed.
Answering on the questions of the members of the commission, Health Minister Ahmet Demircan said that Nuriye has been kept under physician supervision since October 10 at the Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital’s prison service. He added that Nuriye is under the physician supervision of a delegation formed by five specialists and Nuriye doesn’t accept the treatment.
Diyarbakır HDP MP Sibel Yiğitalp said, “If their jobs are given back, you don’t take on them. What's easier than that?” However, the minister said, "As Health Minister, she is entrusted to me.”
On the question of Nuriye's health condition, Ahmet Demircan gave the following answer:
According to the decision of the European Human Rights Court, we cannot take blood and we cannot patch her up as long as she is conscious.
If a patient is conscious, we meet with her every day. If she allows us except from observing her health, a group of doctor can only examine the patient with permission. Otherwise, you can’t even seize her up. We have nothing to do. However, if she loses her consciousness, the laws give us the right to patch her up and we will use this right.