Women prisoners end their hunger strike

  • 11:24 13 November 2017
  • News
ANTALYA - Women prisoners in the Antalya L-type Prison have announced that they ended their hunger strike launched on October 27 to protest the isolation imposed upon PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.
Seven political female prisoners announced through their families that they launched an indefinite and reversible hunger strike on October 27 in order to end the isolation imposed upon PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. The female prisoners made a new announcement through their families and they announced that they have ended the hunger strike.
The message sent by female prisoners is as follows; “We ended the hunger strike for now. But we want all know that we will launch more radical actions if we hear negative news about our leader.”
The prisoners mentioned the rights violations in prison in their message and they reported that their letters and books haven’t been given to them and they haven’t been sent to doctor when they become sick.