Police attack on Yüksel: 7 detained

  • 16:47 12 November 2017
  • News

ANKARA – Police attacked those who wanted to carry out the “We want our jobs back” action in order to support Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça and detained seven of them.

The hunger strike launched by academic Nuriye Gülmen and teacher Semih Özakça, who were dismissed from their duties by emergency decrees has entered in its 249th day. The “We want our jobs back” action started by Nuriye and Semih 369 days ago has been continued by their supporters today.

Police blocked the way of a group wanting to make a statement in front of the Human Rights Monument. Thereupon, the group’s members unfurled a banner in junction between Konur Street and Yüksel Avenue and wanted to make a statement there. However, police attacked them and detained seven of them.