Reason for detention of a 78-year-old woman: Preparing an attack!

  • 09:06 12 November 2017
  • News

MARDİN - In the past few days, police raided the home of 78-year-old Emine T. and detained her. Emine stated that she was forcibly held in alleged to ‘prepare an attack’ and she asked, “Will those who did that be brought to account?

As all the sections in seeking for peace and justice in the Kurdistan territories are subjected to pressure policies in the last period, the mothers leading this seeking are being tried to be intimidated with detentions and investigations opened against them. Police have raided the homes of many Peace Mothers living in Van, Diyarbakır, Mardin and Şırnak and have detained them in the last month. On November 8, police raided the homes of two women aged around 70 in Nusaybin district of Mardin province at night. Police raided the home of 78-year-old Emine T. on the ground that ‘she makes preparation for an attack’ and detained Emine then released her in the same day.

‘I was detained’

Stating that the doors of her home and her garden were broken during the house raid, Emine said, “They knocked the door at around 4 a.m. I rarely see, they broke the doors of my home and garden and entered my home while I was trying to stand up. I live alone at home. They entered my one-roomed home. They messed up my home. They asked me several questions and then they took me to police station.”

‘I was told I was preparing for an action!’

Stating that she was told she was detained on charges of ‘preparing an action’ at police station, Emine said, “They asked me many questions at police station. Then, they took me to hospital. And then they released me. I don’t know why they did this. This is unacceptable. They raided the home of another woman that night. I have so many diseases and I rarely see. My bones are not strong enough, my stomach doesn't work properly. I was detained without any reason.

“I don’t have a husband or child, I live alone. I live from hand to mouth. The state ignores all these and forcibly held me. Will those who did that be brought to account?”