Dilek gives life to the stones with her designs

  • 10:12 22 October 2017
  • News

Filiz Zeyrek

ADANA-Dilek Akar creates works of art from stones she collects from lakeshore. She forms her own economy, and she proves everybody the power of creative production in this way.
Dilek goes to Kenan Evren District Bazaar in the Yüreğir district of Adana reserved for women two days a week. She makes a living by selling her works of art from stones in the bazaar. She collects the stones from lakeshore and designs them. Dilek is happy to shape the stones by herself.
Stating that she learns how to shape the stone by herself, Dilek said, “This job wants a lot of efforts. The stones get attention in the coastline. Unfortunately, not many people interest in the stones in Adana. As an art lover, I feel sorry because very few people interest in art in Turkey.”
Mentioning that she has given life to stones for about a year, Dilek said that the women are in solidarity with each other in the bazaar. Stating that she chooses vibrant colors to paint the stones, Dilek said she also received special orders and orders           through social media.
Dilek forms her own economy by doing this job. She said, “All women should create their alternatives for their future. They should be always ready against masculine mindset that wants to put the women on a narrow ground.”
Dilek's greatest goal is to develop her stone art.