Prison administration destroys picture drawn by journalist Zehra Doğan!

  • 11:28 21 October 2017
  • News
DİYARBAKIR – A picture drawn by Journalist and painter Zehra Doğan was destroyed by prison administration of Diyarbakır E-type Prison. Furthermore, painting materials, canvases and dyes have not given to Zehra for a long time.
On 12 June 2017, journalist and painter Zehra Doğan was taken into custody on the grounds that there was a final judgment about her and was sent to Diyarbakır E-type Closed Prison. Her right to freedom of expression has been broken once again in the prison. A picture drawn by Journalist and painter Zehra Doğan was destroyed by prison administration.
Zehra draw a picture and wanted to give it to her father during his visit; however, the wardens took the picture. After having no news from her pictures for weeks, Zehra demanded information from the prison administration and she was told her picture had been destroyed.
Zehra sent a letter and told what had happened. Zehra wrote that the prison administration hasn’t given her painting materials, canvases and dyes for a long time and that she uses the newspapers as canvas and the colors she gets from pen, food and beverages.
Reason for her imprisonment is her pictures and news
Zehra Doğan, an editor of Jin News Agency (JINHA) which had been closed with a statutory decree under the State of Emergency, was tried for her news articles, her social media activities and her picture she had drawn while she was in Nusaybin district of Mardin during the curfew and she was jailed on June, 2016. After five months in prison, Zehra was released but she was detained again on June, 2017 on the grounds that there was a final judgment about her and was sent to Diyarbakır E-type Closed Prison.