‘Unlimited’ dreams and games of Kobanê children

  • 09:41 10 October 2017
  • News

Gulan Botan

KOBANE- As the anniversary of freedom is being celebrated in the streets of Kobanê, children's voices we hear turn into 'unlimited games' for our cameras.

Anniversary of liberation of Kobanê and Manbij is being celebrated in the streets... The people returning their cities after a brutal war against Daesh gangs have tried to rebuild their lives. And children whose dreams and games actually have never been besieged… Maybe the taste of freedom is different for them. A city can be besieged or demolished but besieging the dreams of children is much more difficult. Perhaps the strongest response to war is their dreams without borders.

‘Ropes of my swing is unlimited’

The traces of the war and reconstruction in Rojava haven’t removed yet. The children's new traces for the future are among these traces. After the war, the wires of electric poles that do not provide electric power to the houses anymore are now hanging down. The children, who continue to reflect the beauty of life everywhere, continue to play their unlimited games. For this reason, the wires hanging down can be ropes of a swing for the children. “Ropes of my swing is unlimited,” said the children. Perhaps they are making the best definition of being a child with this sentence.

Hopes and joy of life of the children, whose lives, homes, playgrounds destroyed during the war, are healing the hopes wounded in the war.  Houses have been built among the destroyed houses. They make swings by using burned trees, broken electrical wires and breathe the freedom. The most beautiful photographs of the liberated areas consist of immortal moments of children without borders.