Investigation opened against Kezban Saçılık

  • 12:31 8 October 2017
  • News

ANKARA-An investigation has been opened against Kezban Saçılık, mother of Veli Saçılık one of resister of Yüksel Resistance, for “violating the law on meetings and demonstrations.”

An investigation has been opened against Kezban Saçılık, mother of Veli Saçılık who has been detained tens of times by reason of the fact that he carries out ‘I want my job back’ actions along with dismissed educators Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça. Public Prosecutor of Ankara has shown the reason for the investigation as “violating the law on meetings and demonstrations.”

Kezban Saçılık supported the action carried out by his son on June 13 from far away and police attacked them during press statement. 70-year-old Kezban was dragged on the ground by police. No investigation has been opened against police officers who attacked Kezban and protesters yet.