Arîn Mîrkan remembered in Efrîn

  • 08:25 8 October 2017
  • News

NEWS CENTER- Arîn Mîrkan was remembered in Efrîn on the third anniversary of her death.

Kongreya Star held a ceremony at Martyr Families’ Assembly Center for Arîn Mîrkan, who carried out a suicide attack in Kobanê against Daesh gangs, on the third anniversary of her death. Arîn Mîrkan’s family, members of organizations, the Democratic Autonomous Council, TEV-DEM, Martyr Families’ Assembly Center and people attended the ceremony.

After one minute silence, Wehîde Xelîl, member of the Kongreya Star Coordination in Efrîn Canton spoke and she mentioned the role of women in the society. Wehîde stated that the women have gained their rights through the PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan's idea and philosophy and that they have proved their place in society all over the world.

Wehîde Xelîl continued her speech and talked about the life and struggle of Arîn Mîrkan.

Arîn Mîrkan’s mother Wehîde Henan also talked during the ceremony and she said, “My daughter devoted her life to freedom. Before she joined the revolution she had said, ‘I will join the revolution and I will carried a great action.’ Arîn kept her word and carried out a great action.”