Mesopotamia Female Journalists’ Platform: We will go after the truth like Gurbetelli

  • 17:15 7 October 2017
  • News

DİYARBAKIR- Mesopotamia Female Journalists’ Platform has released a statement on the occasion of Kurdistan Female Journalists’ Day declared on October 7. Women journalists underlined in the statement that they will continue to be the voice of women by taking over the cameras and pens left by Gurbetelli Ersöz, Deniz Fırat and Nujiyan Erhan.

The Mesopotamia Female Journalists’ Platform has released a written statement on the 20th anniversary of the death of Gurbeteli Ersöz, who lost her life in a clash broke out on 8 October 1997 in Federal Kurdistan Region. The statement says, "We are welcoming the Kurdistan Female Journalists’ Day with the belief that we have taken from Ayfer Serçe, Deniz Fırat and Nujiyan Erhan,Gurbetelli Ersöz, and from all women, who have paid price on the path of freedom and truth.”

The Mesopotamian Females Journalists highlighted the increasing attacks on women, oppressed people and the whole sections of society and emphasized that as Kurdish Female Journalists; they have hard times in this process in which          oppression and torture legitimized under the name of the state of emergency (OHAL). The statement points out women journalists have more responsibility against those who want to shut their voice and continues as follows;

‘The sole power that report the truths to the society is free press’

"We know that Taybet Mother, who was killed by police and her dead body remained in the middle of the street for days; Kemal Kurkut, who was shot to death by police in front of thousands’ eyes, and thousands of women, who protested on the streets for their rights and lives to be seized by the draft bills, have become the most remarkable photographs of voice of truth, which is wanted to be silenced by the ruling party. The sole power that reports the truths to the society against all perception operations is free press. As the Women's Journalists Platform, we areintent on carrying the trust flag created in the society by the free press tradition.”