Call from TJA for participation in ‘Isolation’ panel

  • 14:30 7 October 2017
  • News

DİYARBAKIR - Free Women’s Movement (TJA) has called for participation in the panel to be held tomorrow with the motto "Isolation will lose, freedom will win".

Free Women’s Movement (TJA) will hold a panel with the motto “Isolation will lose, freedom will win,” at Vedat Aydın Conference Hall of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) in Diyarbakır at 12.00 o’clock tomorrow within the scope of the campaigns launched with the motto, "Isolation will lose, freedom will win" and “We will stop femicide, we will make life free.”

During the panel, the isolation imposed upon the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and genocide attacks on women will be discussed. TJA activist Figen Ekti will be a moderator of the panel andAyla Akat Ata, Spokesperson the Free Woman Congress (KJA), which was closed down by an emergency decree, Eren Keskin, Co-chair of the Human Rights Association (İHD), and Nevroz Uysal, lawyer of the PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan will attend the panel as speakers.