37 women killed, 33 children sexually abused in September

  • 10:32 7 October 2017
  • News

NEWS CENTER- In September, men killed at least 37 women, subjected 24 women to violence and sexually abused 33 children. In the first eight months of 2017, men killed at least 278 women.

As violence against women has increased during 15 years of the ruling AKP party, this data gradually increases day by day. The state authorities' sexist discourses, the encouraging of judicial decisions and war politics in the country put women's lives in danger.

37 women killed

According to JINNEWS’ review of reports from local and international newspapers, news websites and agencies; men killed 37 women in January, 30 women in February, 35 women in March, 31 women in April, 39 women in May, 36 women in June, 36 women in July and 36 women in August. Male-dominant system killed at least 37 women in September.

24 women subjected to violence

Every day, women are subjected to physical, verbal and sexual assaults on the streets, in the parks at work, at home or on a bus for their clothes and laughter. In September, 24 women were subjected to violence by men.

33 children sexually abused, 4 children killed

Men sexually abused 33 children in September and four children lost their lives due to various reasons such as explosion of an object in Kurdistan and work-related accident.