Co-chairs of communes begin work in Hesekê

  • 18:13 2 October 2017
  • Politics

HESEKÊ –Communal Co-chairs elected in Hesekê city of Cizre Region vowed and began work.

Executive Council of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria organized a meeting with Communal Co-chairs, who were elected on September 22, 2017 in Hesekê. Executive Council Co-chairs Foza Yusif and Senherib Bersum met up with communal co-chairs of Nasra, Kelase, Mişerfa, Sifeya and Til Tewil neighborhoods. Foza Yusif congratulated co-chairs and said, “You were elected as the people’s representatives. For this reason, you must stand up for their rights.”

Foza stated that the communes are important for common life and for fraternity of the peoples within the frame of democratic nation and that the communal co-chairs elections is a step towards the construction of the federation system.

Senherib Bersum then read the communal perspective. After the speeches, the communal co-chairs vowed to work according to social contract principles.

The meeting ended with the slogan “Bijî Şoreşa Rojava-Bakurê Sûriyê” (Long live Rojava-Northern Syria Revolution).