‘Take action for Fîdan and all the abducted women!’

  • 11:42 14 December 2021
  • News
Sîdra Mamo
SHEHBA - Erîfe Bîlel, a relative of Fîdan Bîlel, who was abducted in Afrin and later sentenced to death, demanded that human rights organizations take action to release all the women who were abducted and face torture and rape in prisons and to prevent war crimes.
Since the entry of Turkey and the paramilitary groups it supports into Afrin, rights violations continue to increase. While Turkish soldiers and the groups they support kidnap civilians, most of these people are killed by torture. Women and children are most exposed to these practices. Fîdan Bîlel, Wîsal Henan, Mewlûde Nuiman and Silêman Nuiman were kidnapped one and a half years ago by groups affiliated to Turkey. Fîdan Bilel, Wîsal Henan, Mewlûde Nuiman and Silêman Nuiman, who were abducted on May 30, were sentenced to death penalty by the ‘’court’’. After a while, Mewlûde Nuiman and Silêman Nuiman lost their lives in Raî Prison. The situation of Fîdan Bîlel and Wîsal Henan is quite bad. Erîfe Bîlel, who was staying in Shehba, spoke to JINNEWS about what happened.
‘The occupant Turkish state is abducting women in Afrin’
Erîfe Bîlel, from the Qudeyê village of Afrin’s Reco district, said the following regarding the abducting of Fîdan, ‘’Fîdan Bîlel, who was abducted by the Turkish state and affiliated gangs to it, is 22-year-old and daughter of my uncle. When Afrin and all its villages were occupied by the Turkish state and affiliated gangs to it, the rights violations began. At that time, we also moved to Shehba Canton. Together with Fîdan’s family, we left Afrin, which was occupied, and went to Shehba. A few months later, Fîdan and her family move to Aleppo. They stay there for a short time. Afterwards, Fîdan goes back to occupied Afrin with her family. Shortly after Fîdan returned to Afrin, she was arrested by the Turkish state and its gangs with allegation of ‘’terror’’ charge. After Fîdan was abducted, her mother and sister were also kept in the prison of the occupants and released’’.
‘Fidan’s situation is very bad’
Stating that the situation of Fîdan and her friends is very bad due to the torture, Erîfe said, ‘’Six months after Fîdan was abducted, she is being taken to Niyaba Giştî in Ezaz with her friends who were arrested on December 17, 2019, with the same allegation. There, Fîdan, Wîsal Henan, Mewlûde Nuiman and Silêman Nuiman are given the death penalty. Fidan and her friends held in Raî Prison are under torture. Their situation is worrisome. Every day, thousands of prisoners, like Fidan, are subjected to torture, violence and rape in the prisons of the occupants.
‘They are losing their lives due to torture’
Emphasizing that women are in a very bad situation due to torture and violence, Erîfe said that some of them lost their lives. Erîfe continued her words as follows, ‘’We saw that Zelûx Omer, who was from Etmana village, lost her mental balance due to torture. We also know that Mewlûde Nuiman and Silêman Niuman, who were abducted with Fîdan, were killed with torture. The world has closed its eyes and ears to what the occupant Turkish state has done. Women and children have been abducted, killed and raped in Afrin for four years. The whole world, particularly the United Nations, and human rights organizations remain silent regarding these crimes of the Turkish state’’.
‘Fîdan and her friends should be released immediately’
Stating that Fîdan and all women should be released immediately, Erîfe said, ‘’These practices of the Turkish state against civilians in Afrin are inhumane. I make a call for the abolition of the death penalty given to Fîdan and her friends. I call on everyone, particularly human rights organizations, to take action for the release of Fîdan and the thousands of women held in prisons. Let the war crimes committed be prevented. Because they have no guilt and this is against all laws. We say enough is enough for oppressions, violations, and torture’’.